Christmas Countdown

73 days, 21 hours, 57 minutes, 17 seconds since Santa arrives.

Santa Claus - COVID-19

HoHoHo to all my friends.

santa-small.jpgSanta wishes to tell you that Mrs. Claus, the elves, the reindeers and everyone else, including myself, are all doing very well here in the North Pole.

No one is sick.

Santa has been receiving news from your parents and grandparents, reports from the Elves on the Shelves, the Toothfairy and all other friends of Santa about your feelings and concerns regarding the big germ, COVID-19.

Santa knows that children and grown-ups are a little worried.

Some children are asking what they should do now that schools are closed, why mommies and daddies are at home all day, why they cannot visit their grandparents or see their best friends, nor visits fun places like Disney World, Canada Wonderland, go to the movies and other fun places.

Santa wishes to tell each and every one of you that none of this is your fault in any way. It is just a very nasty germ that it going around.

Even Santa cannot come down to visit, because the doctors, nurses and polititians are all saying to stay home. If Santa was to come down and visit a friend, then an other friend  and then two...  there is a good chance that someone might get sick. Santa does not want to give the germ COVID-19 by accident to anyone.

So Santa is here to tell you what you need to do to avoid catching the COVID-19 germ.

  1. Wash your hands, a lot. And with soap. Wash your hands for a count of 20 (seconds). If you can’t count that high, then sing a little song, like Jingle Bells:

    "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh. Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh."

  2. Wash you face as well. Grown-ups will tell you to stop touching you face. They are right. Please try not to touch your face, eyes, ears and mouth!
  3. Your parents have probably already told you that you cannot invite friends over or go to to their homes to play. It is what we all must do until the COVID-19 germ is gone.
  4. Eat good foods, everyday. Not just chips and cookies.
  5. Play games at home, make a puzzle, read books. TV and the internet are OK, but not all day.
  6. Pretend that you are at school. Do art work, have a snack, have a story time and then a little nap.
  7. If you feel angry, tired, alone, worried, that’s OK. Tell someone. There are many people like you that are feeling the same way. Mommies and Daddies are also going through this. They need your help and your love.  This is new for them as well.
  8. Tell everyone that you love them and yes, you can still give hugs, as long as no one is sick.
  9. Santa loves to pray. You can pray too. Pray for all the people that are helping other people who are sick wish. If you don’t pray, that’s OK. You can still think of them and wish them well.
  10. Get a lot of sleep.

Santa loves all children. Don’t fight or say bad words. Be good, be nice, share and love one another.

Santa will never forget you and will always love you.