Christmas Countdown

74 days, 9 hours, 19 minutes, 26 seconds since Santa arrives.

Annual Teddy Bear Toss Game | Saturday, December 10

NOVEMBER 30, 2016

Hundreds of boy and girls throughout the Ottawa region will have very little to celebrate this holiday season, which is why the 67’s have partnered with Toy Mountain, the Salvation Army and The Brick for our annual Teddy Bear Toss. This important event is essential to putting smiles on the faces of those children who do not get to experience the holidays as we do.

Fans are invited to bring a new or gently used teddy bear (or plush toy) to TD Place on Saturday, December 10 at 2 p.m. to donate to a family in need. When the 67’s score their first goal of the game, we toss our bears onto the ice for pick up and delivery to the Salvation Army for distribution. Our friends at The Brick will be selling their Brickley Bear on site to help raise money for CHEO.

Nothing will fill your heart with the holiday spirit like the joy of knowing you’ve made a difference in the life of a child. So get a bear, tell a friend, get your tickets and let’s make this the best Teddy Bear Toss ever! The most teddy bears the 67’s have ever collected is 2,500. With your help, we can beat that mark this year.